Gaining Ground With Vertigo

How HealthTech can bring you stability and control

Remember how you felt when you were on a plane that hit turbulent weather? Or as a child, when you were on a merry-go-round that was too fast for your comfort? What did you experience—imbalance, instability, dizziness?

A loss of control is unnerving, and the inability to take charge, is even more. This feeling is too familiar for someone with vertigo — a condition that makes you feel like your surroundings are spinning when in reality you may not be moving at all. Managing your daily life with vertigo gets easier when you understand the condition and you are equipped with the right treatment protocol prescribed by your healthcare provider.

A fine balance: Vertigo Symptoms and Causes

It’s important to know that vertigo is a symptom of an underlying condition, than a disease itself. It is commonly caused by a disturbance in the vestibular system, located in the inner ear, that is responsible for the body’s ability to maintain balance. Vertigo is a sensation that your environment is moving or spinning. Vertigo could also lead to nausea and vomiting occasionally. Other symptoms along with vertigo could include problem while focusing the eyes, loss of hearing in one or both ears, loss of balance, and ringing in the ears. All these symptoms can make it difficult to perform routine activities, like typing out an email, hanging out with friends, working out, or babysitting.

Often the physical symptoms of vertigo are spoken about, but it has a psychological impact on the patient. An episode of vertigo can occur suddenly, without any warning signs. An episode may be mild, lasting for few seconds or severe, lasting for days. Now imagine planning a holiday or even a short drive knowing you may be caught off guard by a vertigo attack! This uncertainty and loss of independence can cause anxiety and emotional distress. Further, what you’re going through and the extent of it, may not always be evident to those around you, which can be even more isolating.

Finding Your Balance, With Vertigo

Reclaiming control of your health / Finding stability, with vertigo

Here are some basic steps that can curb the impact of an episode— keep still or lie down, avoid changing your position as far as possible, and avoid bright lights, screens, reading or anything that may strain your eyes.

Lifestyle changes like ensuring you are well rested, adequately hydrated and nourished with a balanced diet can help in reducing the frequency and extent of vertigo attacks. Like with anything else in life, discipline is key in achieving your health goals. Adhering to your doctor’s advice has a huge pay off when it comes to managing a health condition like vertigo. Medication and exercises prescribed by your healthcare providers play a pivotal role in keeping the vertigo and associated symptoms at bay. Now, it can get tedious to stick to protocols through the rigors of daily life, and this is where health tech comes into play.

Personalized care to help you take charge

The Vertigo Coach App keeps you informed about your condition, smoothens your communication with your healthcare provider. By helping you achieve small regular tasks, like completing your exercise schedule or taking your medication dose on time, through alerts and reminders, it encourages you to stay on top of your treatment plan and manage your health better.

The need for balance is integral to human life. A health condition causing vertigo that impacts your sense of balance can chip away your confidence and capability to embrace life fully. Health technology is empowering you to regain control, helping you find equilibrium when you need it the most.

Vertigo Treatment: How to Care for a Loved One with Vertigo
Vertigo Treatment: How to Care for a Loved One with Vertigo

Disclaimer: The information mentioned in this document is only suggestive /for patient education and shall not be considered as a substitute for doctor’s advice or recommendations from Abbott. Please consult your doctor for more information.