Getting Back to the ‘Abcd’s of Good Health!

How vitamin deficiencies may be affecting wellbeing, and draining your physical and mental energy.

Feeling a bit run down? A long week at work, too much to do at home and traffic to add to it – life gets the better of us at times, leading to fatigue, brain-fog, weakness, and lower immunity. However, sometimes it’s tough to pinpoint the reasons for that feeling of malaise that seems to be slowly draining our internal batteries! If you find this happening, it might be a good time to get your blood work done… nutrition deficiency diseases, such as those related to vitamins, seem to sneak up on you and can affect physical and mental health in a number of ways.

In fact, deficiencies in essential micro-nutrients, like vitamins B12 and D3 for instance, can also be tied to health issues like insulin resistance, depression, vitamin deficiency anemia, palpitations, indigestion and more. Studies suggest that deficiencies in vitamins A, B12, C and D are fairly prevalent in India; the effects of which can range from mild to severe. While dietary modifications are essential to get your daily dose of micro-nutrients, it can get tough to plan for and hit daily targets when already low on energy and time. Vitamin supplements can help bridge those gaps during an overall lifestyle overhaul!

So if you haven’t been feeling quite yourself lately…

here are a few common telltale symptoms of vitamin deficiency that may need to be checked out:

You feel tired all the time

Growing (older) pains and busy days aside, sometimes fatigue hits you like a ton of bricks. If you have been feeling mentally foggy and tired all the time, especially when there seems to be no real cause, it may be due to deficiency of vitamins B12 or D in your system. Insufficient intake of B12 may also lead to vitamin-deficiency anemia, since this nutrient is essential for brain and nerve function and the formation of healthy red blood cells – further adding to weakness and fatigue. 

Your body feels sore and achy

Feel like your body has been moaning and groaning lately, without any change to your exercise regimen? Muscle pain and body ache is often a sign of a vitamin D deficiency, since it plays an important role in muscle formation and function and overall musculoskeletal health. Bone and muscle pain, as well as weakness, are associated with lower levels of vitamin D and magnesium, and supplements are often recommended to bring the body back up to speed.

You are experiencing changes in vision

Changes in vision and blurriness in the eyes can be very unsettling and may be the symptoms of vitamin deficiency, namely vitamins C and E. Vitamin C is also said to lower the risk of developing cataracts and slow down the onset of age-related vision issues, while vitamin E protects the eyes from free radicals. An insufficient intake of vitamin A is also linked to night blindness i.e. impaired vision in low light, since it affects the production of certain pigments in the retinas. Definitely sufficient cause to keep an eye on our vitamin intake!

Your mood has been unpredictable

While we be aware of nutrition deficiency diseases when it comes to the physical, mental health is often overlooked. However, consumption of key nutrients is essential for mental wellbeing and your mood. A deficiency in vitamin C can sometimes manifest in irritability while low levels of B12 may be linked to mood disorders and depressive episodes. Vitamin D also plays a role in mood regulation and may help with tackling symptoms of depression. Depression is multi-faceted and if you feel like you may be experiencing it, do connect with a mental health professional at the earliest.

You are facing hair and skin issues

Possible deficiencies sometimes show up in what we see in our mirrors! Issues and changes in skin and hair health may not always be due to a lax few days with hair and skincare regimes, but something a little deeper rooted. For instance, changes in hair texture and growth has ties to deficiencies in B6 and folic acid, suddendrier, rougher skin may be due to insufficient vitamin A, and a bumpy skin texture could be linked to vitamin C deficiency.

What you can do…

Recharge with adequate nutrition! The main cause for vitamin deficiencies and nutrition deficiency diseases is just that – a ‘deficiency’ arising due to lack of adequate essential nutrition, low or improper food intake or an issue in the absorption of nutrients. Once diagnosed, a shot, medication and dietary changes are usually recommended depending on the type and severity of the issue.

Ensuring that your daily diet has a good mix of micro and macro nutrients in desired quantities is essential for long term health. However, it can get difficult sometimes to keep track with busy days that leave us grabbing meals on the go or craving options that may not be the best for us. Plus, factoring in nutritional requirements based on age and individual health is an added task! Nutritional supplements, as prescribed by your doctor, may help cover the shortfalls and offer a sometimes more palatable way to ensure adequate intake.

While symptoms of vitamin deficiency vary, the effects often have us feeling and looking a little worse for wear. With links to cardiovascular, kidney and liver health and more, vitamins are the building blocks for good health. Staying mindful of diet and lifestyle, with a little added support from health innovations, can help you reclaim your vitality and power back to a healthier you!

Disclaimer: The information mentioned in this document is only suggestive /for patient education and shall not be considered as a substitute for doctor’s advice or recommendations from Abbott. Please consult your doctor for more information.