A Fighting Chance For Infants With Congenital Heart Defects

World's first minimally invasive transcatheter device treats patent ductus arteriosus in premmies & newborn babies.

Did you know, every baby is born with a hole in their heart? This blood vessel is known as the ductus arteriosus. It allows them to receive oxygen-rich blood from their mother while in the womb. After birth, the hole should naturally close

over the first few days of their life, letting the lungs and heart take over. But for thousands of babies each year, the hole doesn't close properly. This condition known as a PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus) and can inhibit their growth and can be life-threatening to an already fragile life

Every year 150,000 premature babies in India, are born with congenital heart defects that require early intervention to survive the first years of their lives. PDA constitutes up to five to ten percent of all congenital heart defects. To solve significant challenges for new born babies, health tech innovators need to think small, effective , and minimal

Closing a hole in the most fragile hearts

In some cases, primarily in premature babies, the opening or ductus arteriosus does not close spontaneously, making it difficult for babies to breathe normally because of the increased blood flow to the lungs. As babies, especially premature and newborns, are fragile, some even not weighing one kilogram at the time of birth, PDA can be a challenging condition to treat.

A device smaller in size than a pea now offers hope to premature infants and newborns who need a corrective procedure. This novel technology is highly beneficial for many infants who may not be responsive to medicine and are unable to undergo a  corrective open-heart surgery. the device is inserted through a small incision in the leg and taken through the ductus to seal the heart-opening. Because the device is deployed in a minimally invasive procedure, there are several cases of critically ill premature babies in the neonatal intensive care unit who have be weaned off from the artificial respirator support soon after the successful operation.

Tech breakthrough for better health and fuller life

Chances of spontaneous closure of the PDA is low among premature babies which is why it is gratifying to know that these children have a fighting chance at normal everyday life through the advancement of such innovative devices. Life-changing technologies help people, including vulnerable infants, live better lives. This device is one of the smallest heart devices designed to help infants weighing as little as 700 grams. It gives them a chance to explore a lifetime of possibility by correcting the tiniest defect in their heart.

a fighting chance for infants with congenital heart defects

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