Keeping Up with The Beat - 101 for The Indian Heart

Healthy Heart|July 31, 2018


A vibrant country with a big heart, India has always captivated the world with enticing smiles, scents, and sceneries. But India's unrelenting heart is at risk and it's time we take notice. The past two decades have seen heart disease become the leading cause of mortality in the country, with a fourth of all deaths attributable to various cardiovascular diseases.

What's worse is the fact that the condition affects us Indians in our most productive middle years -- almost a decade earlier than our European counterparts. 52 percent of all cardiovascular deaths in India occur before the age of 70, and according to the Times of India, heart attacks kill 1 person every 33 seconds in the country.

This growing epidemic has even earned India the reputation of being the coronary capital of the world. It's time we take our heart health into our own hands and progress to become a healthier people.

Make Fat Your Friend

The causes of vascular disease in India range from high tobacco use to the lack of proper exercise. But diet plays a deciding role in either developing or curbing cardiovascular disease in our country. Most people believe that staying away from trans fats can help you avoid heart disease altogether. But fat is a frenemy we should all learn more about. We all know that animal fat increases your risk of developing a heart condition. However, fats found in plants, nuts, and fish contribute to good cholesterol that can lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Learn more about healthy fats and how to make the switch here.

Prevent Recurrent Heart Attacks

The mother of all wake-up calls, a heart attack can be an overwhelming experience. But it's also a sign to start adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle that will prevent another stroke from occurring in the near future. Immediately after your first cardiac event, consult your doctor to formulate an effective plan of action that will get you back on track. A healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts can also work wonders in boosting your health. Learn more about how to prevent recurrent heart attacks here.

Healthy Stomach. Healthy Heart.

A healthy, balanced diet is your best weapon in maintaining a strong heart; whether you're suffering from a heart condition or not. You'll be surprised how nutrient-rich and fibre-rich foods can give you the energy you need to live a full life. See what a good diet can do for you here.

Ask the Right Questions

Always remember that your doctor is as concerned about your health as you are, so don't hesitate to ask him/her all the questions you may have. It's always good to be proactive so you can be prepared for whatever's in store. If you're looking for some answers relating your condition, here are some questions our viewers had for our specialists.

Abbott and Heart Health

Abbott is all about enabling you to live the best life you can through good health. We do this using innovative technologies to create advanced products in diagnostics, medical devices, nutrition, and branded pharmaceuticals. At Abbott, we believe we have the potential to improve the way cardiovascular diseases are diagnosed and treated, so you can live a healthy life without skipping a beat! Check out our vascular products here.


Disclaimer: This publication/editorial/article is meant for awareness/educational purposes and does not constitute or imply an endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of any Products. Please consult your doctor/healthcare practitioner before starting any diet, medication or exercise.