Diabetic Care 101: A Simple Guide for Managing Your Condition

Diabetes Care|June 28, 2018


We are a bountiful people. We enjoy a culture of abundance whenever means allow; be it our festivals, be it our celebrations or be it food. Paranthas aren't complete without that extra dollop of butter, sweets mean oodles of syrupy deliciousness and what's biryani without generous portions of desi ghee.

As much as we relish these indulgences, recent trends demand that we should be extending similar generosity towards our health. Increasing cases of people with type 2 diabetes (with over 70 million diabetic Indians) make it crucial that we all learn to manage diabetes better; not just for the well being of our loved ones and ourselves but to be able to keep at this sense of abandon and make the most of our experiences.

Here are some tips that can make diabetes management an easier road to navigate

Prepare a Diabetes Management Regimen

If you're a diabetic, you know that the daily tasks required to keep it under control are daunting. The best way to tackle them is by formulating a management regimen that you can keep track of. It's also a good way to help your doctor monitor your progress. If you don't already have a routine, we have a checklist that will make diabetes care a whole lot easier. Check it out here.

Pack a Diabetes Bag

The diabetes bag is one thing every diabetic should swear by. It's a handy kit that contains everything you need to keep your blood sugar levels in check when you're on the move. It's a great way to prep for any unexpected emergencies that may arise. Learn how to make your very own diabetes bag here.

Sweat It Out

The best way to manage your diabetes is to get regular exercise. Partaking in regular exercise can lower your blood sugar levels and even improve your body's sensitivity to insulin, according to a recent study. If you're not used to a daily fitness routine, start slow and slowly work towards your goal. Here are the best exercises to keep your weight and diabetes under control.

Switch to Brown Rice

Comfort food for most of us Indians is a steaming bowl of white rice, but when you're diabetic you may not have that option. Switch to brown rice; it can make a world of difference. A high-fiber food, brown rice is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, and it is also known to stabilize blood sugar levels. Find out how brown rice can benefit you here.

Ask and Learn

One rule of diabetes management: Never hesitate to ask any questions and clarify your doubts. Your doctor can clear your doubts about medication, diet, exercise and more.

Abbott and Diabetes Management

Since 1950, Abbott has been helping people with diabetes. With life changing health technlogies like the world's first wearable sensor based glucose monitoring system, Abbott is discovering new ways to help you monitor and manage your sugar levels better. Our solutions across diagnostics, medical devices, nutrition and pharmaceuticals can help you navigate diabetes management so you can live a fuller, healthier life.


Disclaimer: This publication/editorial/article is meant for awareness/educational purposes and does not constitute or imply an endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of any Products. Please consult your doctor/healthcare practitioner before starting any diet, medication or exercise.